Adam Blakey’s

PhD Second-Year Report

This is an accompanying site to the report, featuring some cool videos and pictures. You can download the report below.

Section 4.2
Single placentone MRI quantities

Tip: Click image to zoom in.

Figure 14 (full): This is a synthetic MRI simulation containing 256 voxels on a placentone. Left shows logarithmically-scaled velocity profile for a single placentone; right shows the corresponding S-vs-b plots for each indicated voxel. Voxels are assumed to be 2.5mm x 2.5mm in size.

Section 5.2
Oxygen transport in placenta

Figure 20 (animated): Simulation of oxygen concentration that is transported by maternal blood; modelled with a reaction-advection-diffusion equation for oxygen concentration, with advective velocity from Darcy-Brinkman.

Section 6
Preview of 3D placentone flow simulations

Not part of report, for potential discussion during viva

Many of the details here are omitted for ease of presentation. This is a fly-through of a 3D simulation on a placentone with one inlet and two veins; note that the scaling of the velocity arrows are logarithmic; also note that the velocity scale is not of unit size as presented in the report.

Section 6
Preview of moving boundary simulations

Not part of report, for potential discussion during viva

Many of the details here are omitted for ease of presentation. This is a moving mesh simulation, where the boundary conditions on the outside edges include the mesh movement velocity.